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  • narvaezaura

Why We Homeschool

There is no 1 answer as to why we choose to homeschool our kids, but when the pandemic came in 2020, Brandon and I had similar views about COVID.

I left my full-time job that year. I knew that the world was about to get crazy after many countries had announced their first cases. Marisabel was two-years-old and she was regressing on her speech development. Even though Brandon and I took her for hearing tests, classes and therapy, what I truly believed to have helped her was all the homeschool activities that I did with her at home. Most importantly, it was all the reading that her father and I did. We would read to her while she was washing, while driving (Brandon would be driving and I would sit at the back with her) and we did so much reading at home (before bedtime, while playing, waiting for dinner to be ready). She got many books that year and Dr. Seuss was our favourite to read. Her favourite book was Green Eggs and Ham (I read it to her 12 times at once because she asked for it). It was hard work and I enjoyed it!

When 2021 came around, it was time to start thinking about putting Marisabel in school. The mask mandate was still in effect in Canada and I didn’t want her to be in an environment where she would be surrounded by kids wearing masks - that’s not a normal space I wanted my child to be in. Thankfully, living in Ontario, kindergarten is optional so I decided to test the waters to see if I can do homeschooling at home.

So that’s a little bit of a backstory but to pin point it down, we homeschool because:

  1. Class sizes are too big.

  2. The school education system is an indoctrination system.

  3. When I was younger and envisioned myself to have a family, I never wanted to be a mediocre mom who just sends their kids to school and works out of the house. I imagined myself to be a homeschooling, stay at home mom with many kids, that owns a farm and a garden (this is pending)!

Even with all the life changes that Brandon and I did together, I never found a reason to stop homeschooling my children. Do I plan on continuing through high school? I do but it depends on what the Lord tells us.

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1 comentario

05 sept 2023

God bless you always with your teaching experience we support you 💯 love grandma and grandpa Rodrigues 🙏🏼✝️

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